Sunday, June 12, 2011

When Your Gardening Tools Are Right Your Garden Will Turn Out Better

When it comes to gardening tools, there are a lot of factors you need to consider. There are many different types of gardening tools for sale and some look just like those used in large scale agricultural applications. Irrespective of whether they are manual or powered, most of the gardening tools you will be using at home are simple to use. If this is your first foray into gardening you will first have to decide where to locate it.

One factor to consider is how easily you can access every corner of your garden. Also, it is not unusual to have the same tool in two versions, one with a short handle and another with a long handle. It's a matter of personal choice.

Many people don't often associate the common garden tool lawn rake as being something useful for other areas of gardening. Don't just limit them to use on the lawn, though, as they're far more useful than you might think. Lawn rakes are different to other types of rakes in that they usually have a fan-shaped head with lots of small plastic rake teeth, rather than the metal alloy types with only a few wide prongs. During fall, your rake will be very handy to clear fallen leaves from out of garden beds. But rakes can also be used to level the top layer of any soil in garden beds you've prepared prior to planting new seedlings. It's easy to find lots of different rakes in a range of styles, sizes and shapes, so choose one to suit you. To make clearing garden beds easier and to get in between your plants, you can even buy rakes with really narrow heads.

There is a very recognizable garden tool that most gardeners have probably used but maybe do not know the name for it. The tool with a short hand-grip attached to three-tined metal claw spikes is the three-tined cultivator garden tool. Many gardeners find this hand-tool very useful for tilling and aerating soil around the base of already established plants. Because the tines have sharp points, they are especially useful for hard soil conditions. If you have a wide garden with one side against a structure, the tine tool attached to a long handle works great. It's important to be careful when you're using this tool around the base of any plants. The sharp tips on the prongs could cause damage to the plant roots if you're not careful.

There are quite a few methods for dealing with weeds in your garden. It's easy to find some useful homemade weed spray recipes that won't harm other plants, and companion planting can also be very effective in keeping weeds at bay. There are also garden tools specifically designed to help you remove weeds properly. If you are tired of crawling around and pulling weeds by hand, then you can use a weed digger. This is the hand-tool that looks a little like a spear, with a pointed two-pronged tip in the shape of an inverted V. If you push the tip into the ground near the roots, it will leverage out the weed you want gone, including the roots.

Choosing the right gardening tools can make working in your garden simpler, quicker and less like a chore. Once you've managed to get all the tools you want together, your garden will become a source of pleasure as it fills with lovely plants and flowers.

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